Map - Jokioinen

Jokioinen (Jockis) is a municipality of Finland.

It is located in the Tavastia Proper region. The municipality has a population of 0 and covers an area of undefined km2 of which undefined km2 is water. The population density is undefined PD/km2. The municipality is unilingually Finnish.

A notable tourist attraction in the region is the Jokioinen Museum Railway.

The history of Jokioinen is tightly connected to the Jokioinen estate, which was established in 1562. The estate developed into the largest estate in Finland during the time of the provincial governor Ernst Gustaf von Willebrand. At the beginning of 20th century the estate had a corn mill, saw mill, a brick factory, steel plant and a sugar and syrup factory.

Due to the crofters law of 1918 and the land reform law of 1945 the estate was split into more than 1500 homes and small farms. The rest of the estate was transferred to the ownership of the Finnish state in 1918. In 1928 the Department of Finnish Plant Breeding from Tikkurila and in 1957 the observatory from Pasila were transferred to the Jokioinen estate.

Map - Jokioinen
Google Earth - Map - Jokioinen
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Jokioinen
Map - Jokioinen - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Jokioinen - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Jokioinen - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Jokioinen - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Jokioinen - OpenTopoMap
Map - Jokioinen - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Jokioinen - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Jokioinen - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Jokioinen - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Jokioinen - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Finland
Flag of Finland
Finland (Suomi ; Finland ), officially the Republic of Finland (Suomen tasavalta; Republiken Finland ), is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It shares land borders with Sweden to the northwest, Norway to the north, and Russia to the east, with the Gulf of Bothnia to the west and the Gulf of Finland to the south, across from Estonia. Finland covers an area of 338455 km2 with a population of 5.6 million. Helsinki is the capital and largest city. The vast majority of the population are ethnic Finns. Finnish and Swedish are the official languages, Swedish is the native language of 5.2% of the population. Finland's climate varies from humid continental in the south to the boreal in the north. The land cover is primarily a boreal forest biome, with more than 180,000 recorded lakes.

Finland was first inhabited around 9000 BC after the Last Glacial Period. The Stone Age introduced several different ceramic styles and cultures. The Bronze Age and Iron Age were characterized by contacts with other cultures in Fennoscandia and the Baltic region. From the late 13th century, Finland became a part of Sweden as a consequence of the Northern Crusades. In 1809, as a result of the Finnish War, Finland became part of the Russian Empire as the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland, during which Finnish art flourished and the idea of independence began to take hold. In 1906, Finland became the first European state to grant universal suffrage, and the first in the world to give all adult citizens the right to run for public office. After the 1917 Russian Revolution, Finland declared independence from Russia. In 1918, the fledgling state was divided by the Finnish Civil War. During World War II, Finland fought the Soviet Union in the Winter War and the Continuation War, and Nazi Germany in the Lapland War. It subsequently lost parts of its territory, but maintained its independence.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
EUR Euro € 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Norway 
  •  Russia 
  •  Sweden